Year: 2018
Role: Illustrator
Mission: Our goal was to increase the awareness of accessibility and to move towards equity for all persons. We strove to educate the public about the advancements that have been made to empower individuals with disabilities in regards to recreational spaces, businesses, college campuses, and competitive sports.

Overview of Materials: We created four 10"x10" brochures, one for each category of accessibility spaces, in order to get word out to the public about the need for equity and inclusion with regards to persons with disabilities. All four brochures were branded with accessibility in mind, keeping to bold, legible fonts, as well as a color palette that meets accessibility standards.

The Team:
Donna Greene, Creative Director
Rachel Futterman and Olivia Cosgrove, Illustrators
Danielle Benincasa and Rachel Harden, Page Layout
Nicole Frisbie and Cassidie Codespoti, Copywriters
Ngan Nguyem and Shelby LaGray-Masters, Packaging Designers
Julie Farquhar and Nate Smith, Accessibility Checkers
Benjamin Roeland, Brand Guidelines